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Monday 12 December 2016


O'Lord ..Give me strength

Let me leave my footprints for
others to follow
Learn to stand against The Wrong

Let me bring the change for
happiness to swallow
Respect to bow in compassion

O'Lord.. Teach me to survive

Let me be strong enough
to drink tears
Smiling from ear to ear

Let me fight with my 
haunting fears
Empowering  my capacity

O'Lord.. I thank you 

For all the things bestowed 
upon me
Giving me different experiences

For always standing with me
holding my hand
Encouraging my steps.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Tuesday 6 December 2016


Greenwoods 2016

Far away from the depth of greens
Sweet mumbling wafted from
The whispering woods
Calm, serene and soft
Like your melting kiss
Engulfing me completely

In the woods on the bench
Holding hands we sit
Draped in the warmth
Of each other
Merging with hues
Of arising sun


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Thursday 11 August 2016

Pursuit of belonging

Wandering on the green pastures
Beseeching a ground for

Me A Vagabond
Cycling and steering
Searching for
My piece of cloud
Under which I rest
And I reside

Me A Vagabond
Jogging and running
Looking for
Fresh scent of rain
Indulging in, I breathe
And feel alive

Wandering around the green pastures
Searching for a place


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Monday 8 August 2016

O’My Love!

Beaming clouds smile
With flowing fragrance
Dancing greens splurge 
In fluttering aromatic waves

Shall we dance to the tune
Weaving intricate patterns
On the vast canvass above
Submitting ourselves

Dandelions smiled
Soothing the nerves
Sheltering the dew
Singing vivacious melodies

O’ Dear! Shall we succumb
Our deepest thoughts
To the wild to be free
Mingling into the oblivion?

Soft raindrops kiss the earth
Sweet chirping reverberates
Silent River bows down
Gloried sun winks

Shall we sing to the melody
Tuning to the lyrical mind
Whistling grass joins in
Humming with the wind

Whispering meadows spin
Swirling leaves twirl
Each petals yearns
For The blissful furl

O’ sweet Love let us sway
With the rhythm
Uniting in the galore
Of motion and passion

Graceful river curves
Melting with the flow
Fragrant blooms celebrate
Spreading heavenly peace

My Love it’s time to yield
Hold on to my soul
Blend in the petrichor
Let us walk to the moon.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Thursday 4 August 2016

तीज का त्यौहार

सावन में झूला झूलें 
गायें मस्त मल्हार 
माटी की सोंधी खुशबु 
पकवानों की भरमार 
आयो रे आयो 
तीज का त्यौहार 

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Happy Rakshabandhan!

Ayushi Art'15

From   the spools  of
Let the bond of love
Beautiful patterns of
Knitting the threads
Bridging the distance

Happy Rakshabandhan!

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Pensive Dance of Stars

Iberapura Park, Sao Paulo 2012

Stars dance with the ripples
Shining shimmering diamonds
Captures the eye

Floating lamps flicker
Scattering the light
On the river bed

Heaving water breathes
Heavenly scent
Illuminating the arena


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Monday 1 August 2016

Patience pays…!!

Hooked to the Rainbow
Chasing the thoughts
Holding on to the pillar
Of fading dreams
To paint the sky
With carefully chosen colours
Gathered in the dew drops
Of the flowers around
Bridging the feelings
From soul to heart
Sketching with patience
The promising Life.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Wednesday 27 July 2016


On the pedestal of memory
Rising above
Loosening the truth
Peeling the layers
Built through the time
In the hardened mind


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Tuesday 26 July 2016

बारिश और इंतज़ार

बंद दरवाज़ों पे देती दस्तक
ये बारिश की मद्धम बूंदे
करे इंतज़ार एक आहट का

चुपके से आ घेरे
अरमानो के बक्से
घनघोर घटाओ में

बिन लफ्ज़ो के बोले
ये मासूम मोती बहुत कुछ
नयनो से अधरों तक

ये बारिश की मद्धम बूंदे
करे इंतज़ार एक आहट का
देती दस्तक दिल के दरवाज़े पे

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Monday 25 July 2016


Out of the cocoon
Found wings to spread
Fly remarkable to gather nectar
Spread presence
Living the dreams
Making them alive
Colouring the sky
To bring smile on passer by
Scaling new heights
Bringing out your best.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Friday 22 July 2016

हमदम मेरे

एहसास तेरा बन के बूँद ठहरा
मेरी आँखों के मंज़र में

दर्द मेरा बन के आँसू तेरा
बरसा बिन मौसम बारिश जैसे

प्यार तेरा मन में बसा
भीगा गया तन मन मेरा

हमदम मेरे ,नयनो में तेरे
सपने मेरे ,तैरते हैं

बाँहों में तेरी , जन्नत मेरी
ज़िन्दगी जीती है

हर साँस में मेरी
तेरी मौजुदगी  है

~ ०७/०४/२०१६~

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Monday 18 July 2016


काश होता मेरे पास 
एक मजबूत काँधा ऐसा....

जिस पर रख कर सर 
कर लेती हर गम हल्का 
जिसकी बाहों में पाती 
ज़माने भर की खुशियां 

गहरी रात में जब डर जाती 
पापा पापा कह लिपट जाती 
जिसकी गोद में रख कर सर 
मीठी लोरी सुनती जाती 

काश होता मेरे पास 
एक मजबूत काँधा ऐसा....

जिस पर 
हर सुबह 
मेरा बैग
जिसके पीछे चलती अल्हड़  सी मस्त 
जिसकी ऊँगली पकड़ पहुँचती 
स्कूल , गर्व से सीना तान के 

जिसके होने भर से कभी ना पाती 
माँ की आँखों में बहता समुन्दर 
जिसकी बाहों में पाती 
प्यार में अपने लिए 

काश होता मेरे पास 
एक मजबूत काँधा ऐसा....

आगे बढ़ने से जब डरती 
कहता "डर मत। . में हूँ न"
तब गिरने का ना होता डर  
थाम जो लेता हर मोड़ पर 

जिसकी आँखे बुनती सपने 
मेरे उज्जवल भविष्य के 
जिसकी नसीहतें देती सीख 
ज़माने से लड़ने की  

काश होता मेरे पास 
एक मजबूत काँधा ऐसा....

जो करता माफ़ हर गलती मेरी 
फिर देता इक मीठी सी झिड़की 
मेरी उपलब्धियों पर 
प्रेम से भर देता मेरी झोली 

जब पिया के घर में जाती 
दुआ से भर देता मेरी झोली 
हर जीत पे मेरी 
होता सीना चौड़ा जिसका 

काश होता मेरे पास भी 
एक मजबूत काँधा ऐसा....

~ ११/०४/2008~ 

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Monday 11 July 2016

काश तुम लौट आते

सुरीले वे अलफ़ाज़ कोई गीत न रच पाय
पन्नो पे भिखरी स्याही धूमिल सी हो गई
आँधियों ने ना जाने कितने बसेरे उजाड़े
लहरों के कितने थपेड़े चट्टानों ने सहे
सब खामोश चीत्कार करते रहे
बेजान सूखी सी लहरों से

काश तुम लौट के आ पाते
जहाँ से कभी कोई सन्देश ना आते
खामोश गलियारों में ना जाने
कहाँ गुम हो गए
एक झलक को भी हम तरसे जाते
काश तुम वहां से लौट के आ पाते

~ १२/०७/२०१६ ~

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Friday 8 July 2016


Twinkling eyes smiled
Spreading infectious smiles
Courageous dreams instilled
To bring the bold change
Bridging the old to young

Creating reveries.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Thursday 7 July 2016

Hope against despair

Image from net

Rusted memories
Locked of late
In chains and shackles

With cool sprinkles
Life found meaning
Peeking from behind

Tarnished wounds
Heals miraculously
Succumbs to life
 ~ 05/07/2016~

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Friday 3 June 2016

वो..... !!

हवा में लहराता तेरा वो रेशमी दुपटटा
अनजाने ही छू गया था मेरा चेहरा
महक उठा मेरा अंतर्मन
दौड़ पड़ी गुदगुदाती सी सिरहन
घुमड़ आये बादल जम के बरसे
सर से पैर तक भिगोए रखें
प्रेम की मासूम बूँदों से

सरसराती नीम की डाली
झूला रही थी उन घरोंदों को
नन्हे पंछी सो गए सुन के तेरी लोरी
लहराते झूमते नाचते पेड़ मन मयूर को रिझा रहे थे
उस दिन जब देखा था तुझको खिड़की से झांकते हुए
सुरमई आँखों में सतरंगी इंद्रधनुष चमके थे
अधरों पे बिखेरे मासूम मुस्कान

~ ०१/०६/२०१६ ~

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Friday 13 May 2016


Picture Prompt (picture courtesy Sanch Vee)

Reflecting sunrays
Falls on memories
The carefree days
Childhood fun
Swinging freely
Playing in the park
Laughing at every bit

Dazzling moonlight
Bathe in reminiscence
Cheerful evenings sparkle
With ‘Hide and seek’ game
Enjoying the birds
Hopping in the greens
Living every moment


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Thursday 5 May 2016

Reflections 2016

I enjoyed this year too as I did last year.. Got to read so many views and blogs.. Few were my favorite..
1. Leanne -
2. Kala -  Lovely home decor designs
3. Sue Loncaric -  sizzlingtowardssixty Growing gracefully ..
4. Anupama Jain - very funny blog
5. Zalka Csenge Virág Huge collection of lovely books link..
6. Morgan Dragonwillow
7. Arlee Bird - Lovely Manhattan stories...

These are just a few from my long list of blogs... 

Rusted corners carry 
Enormous weight 
Fighting back the 
Lethargic feet
Erupting all over the place
Interrupted paths
Offering serenity
Nostalgic moments resurface

2 two innocent eyes
0 zeroed on the horizon
1 oneness is felt in
6 six different hues of Rainbow. 


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Monday 2 May 2016

Who Am I

Wondering about the whereabouts of my soul
Hallucinating various forms
Offering myself
Answering my own trail of thoughts
Manipulating my ego
Inviting Peace!!


©Copyright Deeप्ती

यादों का खज़ाना$_3.JPG?set_id=2

बरसों से बंद पड़ी अलमारी में 
दिखाई दिया यादों का खज़ाना 
निकाला वहां से उसे बड़े प्यार से 
धुल से अटा जालों में जकड़ा हुआ 
झाड़ पोंछ कर निखारा उसका रूप 
झाँक उसमे देखा अतीत का आईना 
बेजान पड़े उन गलियारों में 
रखा बेबसी का फिर एक कदम 
धूंढले हुए चेहरों को लगा टटोलने 
क्या कहीं कुछ याद बाकी है ?
कोई तो चेहरा होगा पहचाना सा 
कितनी आँखे उन तस्वीरों की 
अर्सा हुआ बुझ चुकी 
कितनी तक़दीरें अपना चेहरा बदल चुकीं 
वो बेरंग सी धुंधली तस्वीरें 
ना जाने कितने आँसू समेट चुकीं 
सूखे पड़े पत्तों सी वो दास्ताँ 
न जाने कहाँ अपना वजूद खो चलीं 
सोचा आज उनमे कुछ रंग भर दूँ 
यादों के झुरमुट को समेट 
फिर इंद्रधनुष सा चमका दूँ 

~ ०२/०५/२०१६~ 

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Saturday 30 April 2016


Making sand castles
Playing aimlessly on the beach
His eyes twinkled
At the sight of an old Zaftig .
His memory shifted to his house
At countryside
Where a similar woman
Smiles and adores him
Bakes delicious cookies
And surprise him with candy
On her lap he sleeps while reading
She gently cleans his drools
Her bosom fills with pride
He is a Xerox of his grandfather.
His castle tumbled down
With the rising wave
Old Zaftig was standing near
Smiling gently she offered him a candy.


*Zaftig – (of a woman) having a full, rounded figure; plump

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Note :- And here comes the last Alphabet ending the challenge . Suddenly feeling as if there is nothing to do. I am grateful to the entire team and the bloggers.

Friday 29 April 2016


That fateful night
Heaven poured
Pitter .. Patter
Pitter..  Patter
Wrecking the ship

That insignificant Yawl
Sailing gallantly
On the gushing sea
Saving ..  Saving
Saving.. Saving
Many sinking lives


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Wednesday 27 April 2016


With hands on her hips
Wicked smile on her lips
She thrashed his head
On the side of a bed
She wanted a car and diamonds
To let things normal he bought
All even when tight handed
She faked some illness
Which no doctor could
Find in her abusiveness
She reeks of venom
Strikes him hard
Sounds as a demon
With blazing eyes
She looks upon him
Seems as if will eat him fried
Sacred vows hold no importance
As she wants only her will to be spoken.


* Xanthippe – wife of Socrates. Her allegedly bad tempered behaviour towards her husband made her proverbial as a shrew.
- a shrewish, scolding, or ill-tempered woman or wife.

©Copyright Deeप्ती

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Withering Summer

With prickly sweat
Trickling down the spine
Finding respite
Under the 'Neem tree'*
Quenching thirst
With sweet cool lime
And syrupy watermelon
Oozing nectar from
Green coconut
Tastes like Heaven
Juicy mangoes tease
Oh! I want some more please 

Scorching sun
Reverberates its heat
Let the ‘Matka Kulfi’** melt
And beat the sizzling heat
Sun Flowers stand valiantly
Shinning in the sun
Summers are here
Now waiting for the Rain.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

*'Neem Tree' Azadirachta indica, also known as Neem, Nimtree, and Indian Lilac is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae.

** 'Matka Kulfi' it is a kind of creamy milky Ice cream set in earthen pots. It's a delight in summers as fresh earthen pot's aroma mixes with delicious cool Ice Cream.

Monday 25 April 2016

Virtual world

Living in a fake domain
Like a ball of dishevelled yarn
Connected.. Yet at a distance
‘Ends’ does not meet
Flurry of thoughts disperse
Mingles around
Yet nowhere to be found
Distanced from the loved
Living in simulated realm
Cribbing for something
Not knowing ‘what’
Fake is all around
Truth is lost
Entwined in the web
Of lies
Struggling to be part
Of forged personalities
Forgetting ourselves…!


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Sunday 24 April 2016

Under the umbrella

Under the umbrella
Walking hand in hand
Away from all qualms
Love birds craved to fly
To reach the rainbow in the sky
Asking for its colours
To fill their life
Under the umbrella
Looking intently in the eyes
Smiling at each other
Cherishing the rain
Melting in the Petrichor
Requesting for its freshness
Conquering their existence
Under the umbrella
They live happily
Walking hand in hand
Looking keenly
Revering the gift of love
Merging with the beats
Relishing togetherness !!


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Paraty2012 , Brazil

Saturday 23 April 2016


Always felt a strong self
Passing off never alarmed
Splattering blood kept calm.

Seeing own bloods demise
Brings quiver inside.

The difference arise
From blood to blood
Though all in red .

To merge the variance
And be one with everything.


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Friday 22 April 2016


On a cool spring morning
Working on weeds
Stung by bees
Oh what fun I had
The sweet pain and smile

With swollen fingers
I worked again
From ear to ear
Feeling again so much alive


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Wednesday 20 April 2016


Cascading river
Thoughts drift apart
Ripples form in the heart
Memories float


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Tuesday 19 April 2016


Tiny pair of feet trod around
Bringing smiles everywhere
In some alien language
Explain all things
Jumping and galloping
From this side to other
Suddenly bumps down
Sending quiver all inside

Now running again with Valour
Teaching Lessons of Life..!!


©Copyright Deeप्ती

Patterns in vision

Scribbling on a notepad
Scribbling nonsensical patterns
Patterns reflecting life
Patterns radiating existence
Existence of a soul
Existence of a being
Being merry always
Being truly sensitive
Sensitive to thoughts
Sensitive towards humanity
Humanity survives
Humanity makes us alive
Alive from the core of the heart
Alive at every step
Step up the ladder
Step down to kindness
Kindness is needed
Kindness heals
Heals the wound
Heals the soul
Soul is pure
Soul is truth
Truth is a winner
Truth rules
Rules to be obeyed
Rules not to be broken
Broken promises
Broken words
Words have meaning
Words are silent
Silent images
Silent night
Night sings along
Night brings stars
Stars of my eye
Stars in the sky
Sky is blue
Sky is vast
Vast landscapes
Vast thoughts 
Thoughts sometimes hurt
Thoughts bring memories
Memories are locked
Memories are stored
Stored happiness
Stored vision
Vision of new openings
Vision of life


©Copyright Deeप्ती